Author: GSB

Why Should You Opt for a Professional Furnace Servicing in Calgary?

Furnaces are an essential heating system for your home. It is not only maintaining a comfortable temperature but also reduces the electricity consumption of your home. That is why, when it faces any issues or suddenly stops working, you should hire a reputable company for furnace servicing in Calgary. There are various common problems that most furnaces face.

In this blog, we will discuss the importance of regular furnace servicing.

The Importance of Regular Furnace Servicing

Cleaning Dirty Ductwork Effectively

Like other electronic products, furnaces also face some critical problems. That’s why maintaining its cleanliness is essential to avoid any big furnace issues. The ductwork of the furnace often gets dirty, and it can affect the effectiveness of the furnace to provide enough heating in your home. Our professionals use effective equipment to clean the ductwork effectively and help to keep your furnace running flawlessly.

Replacing Filters Safely

It is essential to change the filters of your furnace from time to time as it has limited life and plays a crucial role in maintaining the air quality in your rooms. The filters are used to block the pollutants, dirt, and allergens from the air. By hiring a professional service for furnace maintenance, you can get reliable filter replacements. It not only keeps your furnace running without any issues but maintains the overall atmosphere in your rooms.

Preventing Furnace Starting Problems

There are various furnaces available, and each furnace has its own type of starting mechanism. If you have an old furnace, they generally use pilot lights to start heating your rooms. The new furnaces use electrical ignitions. If there are any dust accumulation or other problems that can prevent the furnace from starting, our professionals can prevent these problems.

Replacing Damaged Blower Capacitor

The blower capacitor works like the battery that powers the system. If it is damaged for some reason, the motor will consume all the power from the circuit board, affecting the efficiency of the furnace. With our furnace servicing service, you can get a reliable damaged blower capacitor replacement. Our professionals also provide a thorough inspection to help you identify any minor issues and repair them beforehand.

Wrapping Up!

Please let us know your valuable opinion if you like this blog. To get our exceptional furnace servicing in Calgary, contact us directly and leave a comment below!

Best Heating and Cooling Company: Where We Stand Apart

In an industry with several options, finding the best heating and cooling company is challenging. However, amidst the competition, our company shines as a beacon of excellence. Not only do we maintain professionalism, but also we aim to offer exceptional customer assistance.

Are you feeling the urge to get detailed info? Be with us till the end!

Professional and Reliable:

Our unwavering commitment to professionalism and reliability makes us a premium in this industry. From the moment you connect with us, you’ll witness the best. Our skilled technicians with extensive training and experience ensure that every job gets executed with high-level precision and expertise.

Whether furnace installation, air conditioning maintenance, or garage heater repairs, you can trust us to achieve extraordinary results.

24*7 Service:

Heating and cooling emergencies can occur at any time. Even you can expect them at the most inconvenient moments. That’s why we offer round-the-clock service. Our team ensures help is always available when you need it most. Whether a sudden breakdown on a chilly night or a weekend maintenance issue, our team can provide prompt and practical solutions, restoring comfort to your home or business.

Exceptional Customer Service:

Our unwavering commitment drives us to offer outstanding customer service. We believe exceeding the client’s expectations can help build lasting relationships with them. From the first phone call to the completion of the job, you’ll experience our Determined nature to provide satisfaction. Our staff can address your concerns, answer your questions, and customize solutions to meet your needs. You’re part of our community, so your comfort and satisfaction are our top priorities.

Easy Payment Solution SNAP Financial Group

With GSB Heating and Cooling Ltd, you can enjoy payment options inside your comfort zone. This approach is fast and flexible. Our aim behind Introducing SNAP Home Finance Corp. is to make your payment method easy. It’s a consumer-friendly financial program endorsed by your local dealer.

So, why go to the bank when you can click on the pre-approved logo below and complete our secure credit application? With SNAP, you will enjoy:

Up to 100% financing for all your home comfort needs

No down payment is necessary

Low Monthly Payment Programs

No Interest No Payment programs

In short, our company is supreme in the heating and cooling industry due to our commitment to professionalism, reliability, exceptional customer service and easy payment method. Hence, contact us to ensure peace of mind, knowing that your heating and cooling devices are in capable hands.

Top 5 Common Heating Problems That Need Professional Servicing!

When you change your HVAC system to its heating mode to keep your home warm, you expect it to work properly. However, heating systems can reduce efficiency over time. As all HVAC units eventually require maintenance, familiarizing yourself with prevalent heating issues and their solutions is essential. If your heating system doesn’t work efficiently or is heating certain rooms, it means your heating system needs proper servicing. Here are a few tell-tale signs that indicate the need for professional assistance!

What Indicates That Your Heating System Requires Expert Servicing?

1. Too Much Energy Consumption:

If you are not properly maintaining your heating system, you may face several problems. Doing regular maintenance helps it to work well. Proper maintenance can prevent parts from wearing out too soon and ensure your home stays cozy. If a professional doesn’t clean your HVAC system regularly, it may start having issues or use too much energy. To avoid these problems, you should schedule regular check-ups with a reputable heater repair company. When you hire somebody to regularly inspect your system, you can save money by avoiding potentially expensive repairs.

2. Stained Filters:

A dirty filter can be a reason for heating issues. When the filters in your HVAC system become loaded with debris, they hamper the airflow and the system’s ability. This limited airflow can result in difficulty maintaining a warm temperature indoors. You should replace the old filter with the new one to restore proper airflow.

3. Poor Air Circulation:

When the components of the furnace age, they can cause poor air circulation throughout your home. The inefficient components, such as damaged belts, bearings and fan motors, can affect the air circulation and cause system overheating. Homeowners can avoid these issues by hiring a professional. Only a professional can inspect and replace any parts if necessary.

4. Ductwork Leakage:

The furnace or the HVAC system warms your rooms through the ducts. If there are any leaks in the ductwork, it may cause heating inefficiencies and increase strain on the system by escaping the designated vents. Detecting and repairing duct leaks requires the expertise of a professional HVAC technician. They can swiftly locate and mend the leaks, ensuring uninterrupted heat distribution.

5. Insufficient Heating Performance:

Broken thermostats are a primary reason behind furnace malfunctions. It can cause fast battery draining and compatibility issues with the furnace. These problems can result in insufficient heating performance. However, for thermostat issues, you should get assistance from a professional to diagnose and rectify the issue. Consulting an HVAC expert to select the appropriate model is recommended for a battery replacement.


Please let us know if you like this blog. As a reputable company, we provide top-notch product installation, repair and replacement services. For more details, contact us directly or leave a comment below.

Cozy Comforts: When and Why You Should Upgrade Your Heating System

As the frosty winds start whispering through the windows, it’s time to cozy up and talk about everyone’s favourite topic – heating. Whether you’re snug as a bug in a rug or shivering under a blanket, upgrading your heating system could be the key to unlocking a new level of comfort and warmth in your home. So, grab a hot cocoa, settle in, and let’s explore why and when it might be time to give your heating setup a well-deserved upgrade!

Deciding When and Why to Upgrade Your Heating System

Here you go!

Old System:

Now, think of your heating system as a superhero – it has a lifespan, and after around 15 years, it might be looking at retirement. Upgrading to a new, more energy-efficient system brings you the latest tech and saves you from unexpected breakdowns. It’s like giving your home a superhero with fresh powers!

Inconsistent Heating:

If you find yourself constantly adjusting the thermostat to achieve a comfortable temperature throughout your home, it’s a clear sign of uneven heating. This inconsistency can result from worn-out components, reduced efficiency, or an aging system struggling to maintain consistent warmth.

Strange Noises:

Unusual sounds emanating from your heating system, such as clanking, banging, or whirring, can indicate underlying issues. These noises might suggest problems with the furnace, such as a malfunctioning blower motor, worn-out bearings, or loose components. Quickly resolving these problems is vital to prevent further damage.

Increased Energy Bills:

A sudden increase in your energy bills without a corresponding change in usage patterns can signal decreased efficiency in your heating system. Older systems become less energy-efficient over time, leading to higher operating costs. Upgrading to a newer and more efficient model through professional heating installation can result in noticeable savings on your monthly energy bills.

Outdated Thermostat

If you still have a manual thermostat, consider upgrading to a programmable or smart thermostat. Modern thermostats offer advanced features, allowing you to schedule temperature adjustments based on your daily routine. This level of control enhances comfort and contributes to energy savings by optimizing your heating system’s performance.

Frequent Repairs:

If you find yourself frequently calling in technicians for repairs, it’s a red flag. Constant breakdowns not only inconvenience you but also incur additional costs. Upgrading means saying goodbye to these hiccups and embracing a more reliable system. Picture a hassle-free, cozy home – sounds good, right?

Wrapping Up!

If you still feel confused about whether you need a new heating solution, contact us and let our team assist you. For more details, leave a comment below!

Getting Ready: How to Prepare Your Home for a Heating System Installation!

Preparing your home for a heating system installation is crucial to ensure a smooth and hassle-free process. Whether you want to upgrade to a new hot water tank, install a garage heater, or upgrade your home’s heating system, proper preparation can make all the difference. Below are some essential steps to take before the installation day arrives.

Clear the Area

Before the installation team arrives, ensure the area where the heating system will be installed is clear of any obstacles. Remove furniture, boxes, or any other items that may obstruct access to the installation site. It will help the technicians work efficiently and safely.

Create Adequate Space

Ensure enough space around the installation site for the technicians to work comfortably. For example, if you want to install a hot water tank, there should be ample space around it for ventilation and maintenance access. Clearing clutter and providing sufficient space will facilitate a smooth installation process. But before that, ensure you are aware of Canada’s energy efficiency regulations.

Check Accessibility

Inspect the route from the entry point to the installation site. Ensure there are no obstructions, such as narrow doorways, tight corners, or steep staircases, which could impede the movement of large equipment or appliances. Clearing pathways will help the installation team transport heavy items without difficulty.

Arrange for Pets and Children

On the day of the installation, it’s a good idea to make arrangements for pets and children to be safely contained or supervised away from the work area. It will prevent accidents and distractions, ensuring the safety of both your loved ones and the installation team.

Secure Valuables

Take precautions to protect valuable items near the installation site. Cover or move delicate items such as artwork, electronics, and furniture to prevent dust, debris, or accidental damage during the installation process. And that will give you peace of mind and help preserve your belongings.

Communicate Any Concerns

Before the installation begins, communicate any specific concerns or requirements you may have with the installation team. Whether it’s regarding placement, timing, or any other aspect of the installation, clear communication ensures your needs are understood and addressed accordingly.

Final Words

Hopefully, by following these steps and working closely with our installation team, you can ensure a smooth and efficient installation process. So, don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns in this regard. With proper preparation, you will soon enjoy the benefits of a reliable and efficient heating system in your home.


You may think, how can you upgrade your house?


A smart thermostat installation is one of the simplest ways to bring flexibility and versatility to your heating and refrigeration system. These upper-of-the-line thermostats allow you to monitor your temperature down to the degree, while still providing you with the comfort of monitor with an app.


Thermostat Installation Calgary


At GSB Heating & Cooling we are the specialists in installing thermostats. If you’re using a wireless thermostat, a conventional device or just want some suggestions about what’s right for your house, you can count about support from our team!


The advantages of Thermostats Installation Service


Your thermostat is essential to climate regulation inside your house. Although we’ve all seen the conventional systems most likely containing a temperature control button, what if you could do more? Smart thermostats are now as sophisticated as ever and can provide you with lots of comfort at home.

If you want a Wi-Fi home thermostat that can be operated by an app or you need a classy looking thermostat with a large monitor, you can conveniently get one. These systems are easy to use, can increase your energy efficiency and also allow more power in your home with programmable thermostat settings that can run your HVAC system even if you’re not around!


How does a malfunctioning thermostat affect your home?


You appreciate how difficult it can be if you have ever struggled with temperature regulation problems in your house. A broken thermostat may have a major impact on your comfort, with additional consequences such as:

  • Utilization of poor energy- If your thermostat does not function to control your home temperature, it will trigger your HVAC system to turn on and off. It leads to the consumption of energy, and higher electricity prices in exchange.
  • Swinging temperatures- You deserve to get the breeze at the ideal temperature when you come home. A broken thermostat will continuously switch between temperatures, making you frustrated in the process.
  • Degraded appliance: In the worst case situation a defective thermostat on your HVAC system will cause some wear and tear. It can significantly shorten the lifetime of your air conditioner or boiler, from continuous spinning to temperature changes.

We deliver high quality thermostat installation services at GSB Heating & Cooling Ltd. We will help you find the best home setup, and get it up and running as quickly as possible.


Highly Developed Thermostat Installation Service in Calgary




This is why we know how critical and comfortable a smart thermostat can be, we are builders too. Our mission is to be your partner for a safe home and a reliable thermostat installation service is one of the easiest ways to do that.

Using smart thermostat system to add comfort and power over your home temperature. Ring GSB Heating & Cooling for service today, at 1403-470-2570!

You can visit us at 56 Cityscape Gardens NE Calgary, AB, T3N 0N6.



How Can Air Conditioner Services Improve Your Home Environment?

An air conditioner has become an essential part of everyone’s life in Calgary. The modern AC system can not only help you to make your home’s environment suitable for the summer but also in the winter and other seasons too. Due to such important part of the AC in our life, it is necessary that you also do something for it periodically. Continue reading How Can Air Conditioner Services Improve Your Home Environment?

Keep the interiors of the garage warm with garage heater

In the city of Calgary, the modern day homeowners have developed a new method of enhancing their space. Several of the homeowners either have a garage or are constructing a new one. The garage is becoming an integral part of the property for the family members and other occupants. This part of the property can be used for varied purposes such as office use or an extended room. But, residing in the city you are well-versed with the harsh winter conditions of Canada. The interiors of the garage get too cold unless you have fitted in a garage heater. Continue reading Keep the interiors of the garage warm with garage heater